About me

热爱及擅长编程,擅长各种抽象概念的快速理解和运用。对Web链路上的所有技术都有兴趣,因此基本在全栈的路上越走越远。前端最喜欢的是React生态。后端最熟练的是Golang的微服务框架及Node.js的Koa和Express。最喜欢的语言是Python。再其次是JS, C#等。喜欢鼓捣各种新技术。

适应能力强,学习能力强。 能够胜任项目开发环节中除图形设计外的所有职位。 与人和善,沟通积极,喜欢创新与改进,但做事偏稳重。手头有事不做完没法安心休息的性格。


What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web design

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

  • mobile app icon

    Mobile apps

    Professional development of applications for iOS and Android.

  • camera icon


    I make high-quality photos of any category at a professional level.


  • Daniel lewis

    Daniel lewis

    Richard was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.

  • Jessica miller

    Jessica miller

    Richard was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.

  • Emily evans

    Emily evans

    Richard was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.

  • Henry william

    Henry william

    Richard was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.




  1. University school of the arts

    2007 — 2008

    Nemo enims ipsam voluptatem, blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias exceptur.

  2. New york academy of art

    2006 — 2007

    Ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, facere quisquams facere menda ossimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est omnis..

  3. High school of art and design

    2002 — 2004

    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate, quila voluptas mag odit aut fugit, sed consequuntur magni dolores eos.


  1. Creative director

    2015 — Present

    Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et qvuas molestias exceptur.

  2. Art director

    2013 — 2015

    Nemo enims ipsam voluptatem, blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias exceptur.

  3. Web designer

    2010 — 2013

    Nemo enims ipsam voluptatem, blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias exceptur.

My skills

  • Web design
  • Graphic design
  • Branding
  • WordPress




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